Integrative Perio Solutions
A Natural Approach to the Practice of Dentistry
Welcome to the World of Biological Dentistry
Are You Ready to Enhance the Health of Your Practice and Your Patients?
What sets you apart from other dental healthcare providers? Are you ready to start practicing dental care that is safe for the patient and the environment? Learn how to stand out from the rest by elevating your practice through Biological Dentistry..." The O.G. "of Oral-Systemic Dentistry
Learn, apply and experience biological dentistry through coaching, training, and public presentations.
“The practice of biological dentistry is not just treating the symptoms of dental disease, it’s treating the cause of the disease. It’s a philosophy of practice that encompasses not just the teeth but the whole body and how they’re interconnected on a deeper level”
— Fran Horning RDH BRDH HIAOMT